
How does the registration system work for me?

Patient benefits

The registration system seen from the patient's point of view

The Wachtkamerschermen® registration system is suitable for every patient: whether they are in a wheelchair, do not speak Dutch or are visually impaired. The patient enters the date of birth and postcode. Then the patient sees a confirmation that they are registered and a referral to a waiting room or area. Is the patient going for a urine delivery or blood test? Then they will see clear instructions on the screen of the registration kiosk.

The registration system promotes patient self-management. It also enhances patient privacy, as patients do not have to say their name and date of birth out loud.

Finally, patient satisfaction is increased because they do not have to wait at the reception desk and are optimally informed.

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Benefits for the healthcare provider

Seen from the perspective of the healthcare provider

The registration system is set up entirely as required. Whether one or more disciplines are present or whether or not there is a link to an appointment system: a suitable solution is always offered that reduces the workload.

If the registration system is linked to a GP Information System (HIS) or appointment system, you will see an up-to-date overview of the patients present in your own familiar diary. This allows you to manage your own time by, for example, calling in another patient earlier in case of a no-show.

The registration system can be extended with queue management. A sequence number is then created and the patient receives a ticket. The sequence number is called via a narrowcasting screen in the waiting room. This method is used, for example, for blood tests or walk-in consultations.

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Benefits for the organisation

The registration system seen from the organisation's point of view

The registration system promotes lean working, as the registration process is organised much more efficiently. This reduces the administrative burden. The registration system also fits within the context of More Time For Patients (MTVP), as it creates more time for patients who need extra attention. In addition, employee satisfaction increases because the workload is reduced.

The statistics in the registration system provide valuable management information, giving you insight into patient flow and allowing you to better manage your staff.

For healthcare groups and coordinating organisations, the registration system can also offer several advantages. These include a uniform appearance, insight into statistics per practice and interesting purchasing advantages.

Benefits for the organisation

Want to try it out in your practice?

Experience the convenience of a registration kiosk for yourself. Free and without obligation.
Request your trial by calling +31 (0)24 350 54 00 or using the contact form.

Do you still have questions?

Would you like to have personal advice on whether a registration system suits your practice or health centre?
Call us on +31 (0)24 350 54 00 or fill in the contact form.