Exterior Health Centre
Registration kiosk
One of the waitingrooms
Narrowcasingscreen with queue numbers

Medisch Huis Veghel

Assistants are in control of the queue and call patiënts

Control fully returned to the assistant
Every patient checks in via a registration kiosk
Combination of registration kiosk and ticket numbers

Exterior of GP practice
Reception desk of GP practice
Waitingroom of GP practice

General Practice Noordzij

Registration kiosk gives an overview of who in the waiting room

Current overview of present patients
Errors in appointments are noticed
Patients can be helped faster

Health Centre exterior
Registration kiosk at entrance

Health Centre De Pastorie

GPs can plan their work more efficiently due to the registration kiosk.

At De Pastorie health centre in Eindhoven, GPs in particular notice a difference. They can plan their work more efficiently. GPs plan more efficientl…