Bricks Huisarts
Bricks Huisarts by Tetra: Your Helpful HISWhen it comes to managing appointments, you can save time by connecting Bricks Huisarts with the Wachtkamerschermen® registrationsystem.
Before patients take their seats in the waiting room, they enter their birthdate at the registration kiosk. The system then checks Bricks Huisarts's schedule to see if the patient has an appointment. If that's the case and the patient is on time, they receive confirmation on the kiosk that their check-in was successful. At the same time, the healthcare provider's schedule is updated and shows the patient as "present."
As a healthcare provider, you always have an up-to-date list of patients present in the practice, so there's no need for unnecessary trips to the waiting room. In the event of a "no-show," the patient is marked as "absent," giving the healthcare provider the opportunity to handle other tasks or see another patient.
If you use Bricks Huisarts, connecting it to the registration system offers the following advantages:
Automatic Presence Registration
Patient self-registration allows you to instantly see in your schedule whether they're present.
Easy Implementation
The registration system is seamlessly integrated with Bricks Huisarts, so you can continue using your familiar software without any learning curve.
Secure and Reliable
Tetra is NEN7510-1:2017 certified, and Wachtkamerschermen® is ISO 27001 certified. This means our systems adhere to the strictest quality management and information security standards.
Complete Solution
Bricks Huisarts provides a comprehensive solution for automating your general practice. The integration with the check-in system makes it even more complete.
Do you have questions about the Wachtkamerschermen® check-in system with Bricks Huisarts?Call us at +31 (0)24 350 54 00 or fill out the contact form.