
Medicom by PharmaPartners


Registrationkiosk with Medicom integration

If you have automated your administrative tasks through the General Practitioner Information System Medicom, you can take it a step further with the registration kiosk from Wachtkamerschermen®. The seamless integration with Medicom helps to increase productivity and efficiency in your practice.

By implementing a registration system, the administrative burden on your assistants is significantly reduced. Instead of spending valuable time manually registering each patient in Medicom, assistants can now focus on other tasks.

Some doctersoffices direct patients to the waiting room without registration. The disadvantage for you is that you don't know which patients are present. This can also lead to confusion for the patient: "Does the doctor know that I'm here?" or "Am I in the correct waiting area?" With the registration system, this becomes a thing of the past, as you can see exactly which patients are present in Medicom. Also, the patient sees confirmation of the registration on the kiosk. A win-win situation!

Read the PharmaPaper with the story of GP practice De Blauwe Tulp.

Read experience stories of the registration system with Medicom here.

Koppeling aanmeldsysteem Medicom van Pharmapartners

Free trail

Try the registration system for free!

Factsheet Registrationkiosk with Medicom

Read the factsheet about the Medicom registrationkiosk of PharmaPartners (only available in Dutch)


Do you work with Medicom in your practice? By choosing the registration system with Medicom integration, you will benefit from the following advantages:

Presence registered directly in Medicom

As a GP, you will always know which patients are in the waiting room simply by looking in the agenda of Medicom.

Statistics available

The registration system provides insights into patient flows. By analyzing this data, you can identify trends such as peak times in registrations or potential bottlenecks in waiting times.

Safe and reliable

Both Wachtkamerschermen®and PharmaPartners are ISO 27001 certified. This ensures that our systems communicate through the strictest requirements of quality management and information security.

Quick implementation

Thanks to our good cooperation with PharmaPartners, implementation is quick and seamless. Once the registration kiosk is installed in your practice, it is immediately ready for use.


If you still have questions or would like personal advice on whether a registration system with Medicom is something for your practice or health centre, call us on +31 (0)24 350 54 00 or fill in the contact form