Pallion General Practice

Registration kiosk relieves staff and enhances patient privacy

Pallion General Practice

Registration kiosk relieves staff and enhances patient privacy

Exterior General Practice
Registration kiosk at reception
2 min. readtime

At Pallion General Practice in Hulst, there are 3 permanent general practitioners and 5 locum general practitioners. The patient population consists mainly of older patients because there are several nursing homes located near the practice.

Pallion General Practice is adapting to the current times and is fully embracing digitalization. A registration kiosk was an essential addition. Claudia, the practice manager, says, "We felt it was wasteful that medically trained staff were spending a lot of time on simple registration tasks. A registration kiosk was a great start to relieve our staff from this."

More privacy

Additionally, Claudia mentions that a registration kiosk also helps provide more privacy to patients: "Patients no longer have to verbally state their name and date of birth. This is especially comforting for patients who value their privacy."Since there was already a Wachtkamerscherm® installed in the practice, the supplier for the registration kiosk was quickly found: "We prefer to obtain multiple products from one provider. Therefore, Wachtkamerschermen® was a logical choice for us."

Noticeable differences

The differences before and after the installation of the registration kiosk are clearly noticeable. Claudia explains that it has truly become calmer for the assistants. Sometimes they still need to assist when a patient is trying to register at the kiosk for the first time, but that's part of the adjustment period: "Some assistants find the registration kiosk a bit impersonal. But on the other hand, they appreciate being able to work more calmly now."

Overall, patients respond well to the registration kiosk, including the older patients: "Sometimes we receive comments about the kiosk. These can be positive, like 'This is convenient,' or less positive, like 'Look, another one of those kiosks'." Entering the date of birth doesn't always go smoothly either. But if it really doesn't work, patients are always welcome to register at the reception desk. "The registration kiosk has been in the practice for a while now, and we find that it's significantly quieter at the reception desk. This is really nice because the assistants now have more time for other tasks."


The practice is trying to relieve the assistants in multiple ways. For example, the practice now has an online portal where patients can view results and make new appointments. And the registration kiosk also helps alleviate staff workload. Claudia emphasizes that they consciously chose to still have the reception desk manned: "I think it's important that patients don't see an empty reception desk when they come in. An assistant behind the desk is a bit of customer-friendliness that we want to provide as a practice."