Groepspraktijk Lievekamp

More quiet reception and patients referred to correct waiting room

Groepspraktijk Lievekamp

More quiet reception and patients referred to correct waiting room

Exterior GP practice
Celebration of the positive results of the registration kiosk
2 min. readtime

Lievekamp Group Practice in Oss has been using the registration system from Wachtkamerschermen® for some time now. They participated in a pilot organised by Humo for General Practitioners. The registration kiosk proved to be so effective that it was kept without hesitation! We visited the practice to hear how things are going now.

More peace at the reception

Miel Keulers, a general practitioner at Lievekamp Group Practice, explains: "There is more peace at the reception. The assistants have more time to answer patients' questions and notice that they can work more efficiently." A pleasant side effect is that patients have more privacy thanks to the registration kiosk: "For example, if someone is dropping off a urine sample, there are no people standing behind them in the queue."

Correct waiting room

Another advantage of the registration kiosk is that the patient is directed to the correct waiting room. Lievekamp Group Practice has multiple waiting rooms. On the kiosk, the patient can see which waiting room they should sit in. This provides confirmation that they have registered and are in the right place. As a result, patients are less likely to approach the reception with questions.

Link with Medicom

The registration kiosk is linked with Medicom from PharmaPartners. This means that the patient's presence is directly recorded in Medicom's schedule. There is no need to switch between different systems to get an up-to-date overview of the patients present.

A bit of an adjustment at first

Miel Keulers notes that it was a bit of an adjustment at first, especially for the patients: "Our patients used to always report to the reception. Now we prefer them to register through the kiosk. Our assistants try to direct patients to the kiosk as much as possible." In general, patients respond very well: "Next time, they go straight to the kiosk."

Collaboration with Humo for General Practitioners

Humo for General Practitioners has made collective agreements with Wachtkamerschermen®. Visit the website of Humo for General Practitioners for more information (in Dutch). Would you like to request a quote or trial placement directly? Then you can use the contact form on this website.